確保している? 支援お断り?えっ?どういう意味?
「日曜祭日は特に、他県からのスタッフで溢れていて、きちんとした情報がお渡しできないことがあります。申し訳ありませんでした。 自転車支援をお断りしているのではなく、いただく支援物資を保管する場所がいっぱいになった時に限り、支援受付をストップさせていただいております。
ってことでした。 そうやってきちんと説明して頂くと、私も腹を立てず落ち着いて考えられるようになった。
石巻市は最初の頃、避難所にこれも必要だろう、あれも必要だろう(自転車や洗濯機や乾燥機等)といろいろ集めて、持って行ったそうです。 でもその殆どが必要ないとして戻されたそうです。その戻されたものの受け入れ先を探すのもかなり大変だったとか。 そういうことが多々起きて、支援物資は『要請に基づいて配布する』と言うことに統一されたそうです。
Before I went to Ishinomaki I talked to disaster management officials in Abiko to see if the city government could send bicycles to Ishinomaki. They said they couldn't do anything unless Ishinomaki asked them. So the Abiko disaster person asked me to swap his business card with the person in charge of bicycles in Ishinomaki.
I thought in the future I would have to ask Abiko to release its stockpile of abandoned bicycles so I had to go to Ishinomaki to get the ball rolling. May 3rd, when I was there, was a national holiday but the city hall was of course open. There were countless survivors there clutching paperwork, as well as lots of non-Miyagi civil servants with the name of their prefecture sewn on their chests.
"I want to bring a couple of hundred bicycles from Abiko City to Ishinmoaki, so can you make a request, city to city?"
Guess what the answer was...
"We have plenty of bicycles in stock. Therefore, we have to say no to any support from other prefectures."
I couldn't believe what she said.
You have bikes in stock? Don't need support? What do you mean? If you have stock, why aren't you providing it to people? Why are you keeping them in the warehouse. I had lots of questions.
According to the city, they don't provide bicycles to individuals. But, if there is a request from a leader of neighbourhood organisation or shelter, then they would consider releasing a bicycle.
Did that mean if people don't request, there will just be a pile of bicycles in the warehouse? You want requests from people whose houses have been swept away, who are still going from shelter to shelter searching for lost family members at each shelter, or people who manage to live in their own house, but can't use the kitchen or toilet because of flood damage. Are you saying these people have to gather together, elect a leader and then go to the city hall to ask for a bicycle? Do you think they have the time or energy for this?
A friend back in Abiko checked again with a local politician about abandoned bicycles. "Technically speaking, the bicycles belong to the city. City hall can't release any bicycles to individuals." That was the answer.
So, if Ishinomaki made a request, Abiko City could release the bicycles. Today (May 6) I rang Ishiomaki City because I thought I shouldn't write off the whole city government because of one person.
The Industrial Strategy Department is in charge of bicycles. After the fourth person, I finally talked to someone who knew about the bicycle situation. She said:
"Weekends and national holidays we do have lot of support staff from other prefectures. So, I have to apologise, we didn't give you proper information. There are some occasions when we can't give the right information. I apologise.
"We are not declining bicycle support. We are not saying no to receiving bicycle support, but the only time is when our warehouse is full of relief goods then we have to stop receiving support.
"At the moment, we are using Ishinomaki Exercise Park as the relief goods depot. All the spacious places are being used for shelters, so we don't have anywhere else to use. As soon as we get the space, we'll be delighted to receive bicycle support.
"However, the city can't provide bicycles directly to individuals - just neighbourhood organisations or shelters."
I told her: "If you don't have enough staff members to provide bicycles, then I can gather volunteers to support you, so please release the bicycles to the needy." I wanted to know why they couldn't provide to individuals. Apparently, straight after the disaster Ishinomaki City provided lots of stuff - bicycles, washing machines, dryers - but most of them came back to city hall and then it was difficult for city hall to find where those goods needed to go. It happened many times. So, they decided to officially provide relief goods only based on request.
It kind of made sense to me, listening to the lady on the phone.
We will find a way to get bicycles from Abiko to Ishinomaki. If there is less stock in Ishinomaki then they can request more bicycles from Abiko. We must make sure Ishinmaki always has stock. This we can do.
We have to find a better way to get bicycles to the survivors desperate for them (who left their addresses with us at the flea market). For the last two days, I've been building contacts with residents and volunteers in Ishinomaki. I'll find a solution. Possibly collaboration with another bicycle charity may be the answer.
OK, now let's not rest until every resident of Ishinomaki who wants a bicycle has one. That's my current goal. But of course, bicycles that are roadworthy. I don't want your cast-off bikes you are happy to see the back of. I want good quality bikes that have been donated because you want to support the survivors.
That is key, I think.
It still sounds very complicated and frustrating, but congratulations on making progress!