
Thursday, 27 September 2012

Freetohoku Abiko Homestay Program


【Freetohoku 我孫子ホームステイ 第1弾】




千葉銀行 天王台支店
口座番号 (普通)3380190
口座名義 フリートーホク アビココトブキカイ
paypal (

FreetohokuはロンドンのAid for Japan( という団体とも繋がりました。

今後MiraiとAid for Japanとの連携で出会った子供たちは、末永く見守っていきたいと心より願います。定期的に我孫子に呼ぶことで、第二の故郷だと少しでも感じてくれたらいいなと。たくさんの大人があなたの事を思っているよって感じ取ってくれたらいいなと。

MIRAI( based in Belgium invited four children from Tohoku to Belgium last July. We met the four children at the Narita and spent one night at the hotel and sent them to Belgium next day. We promised to invite them to Abiko next time.

Freetohoku Abiko Homestay Program part1

Three children are to visit Abiko on the 22nd of December and to stay with us for a week.
We want to hold a Christmas Party for them and take them to Disneyland, and some other Tokyo sightseeing tours etc.
We want to raise ¥200,000 cover three children's travel costs, food, Disneyland tickets, movies and some other costs.

If you'd like to donate you can either transfer directly to Chiba Bank Ltd, Tennoudai branch, SWIFT code CHBAJPJT, account number 3380190, account name Free Tohoku Abiko Kotobukikai.

Or just pay by credit card via paypal (our email address is our account number -
We also keep in touch with Aid for Japan, London based organization.
They are to invite two orphans from Tohoku to London this Christmas.
The organizer and two children'll stay with us in Abiko on the 15th of December and they'll fly to London next day.
We'd like to invite those children to Abiko next Spring.
This "Freetohoku Abiko Homestay Program" is just a beginning. We'd like to continue seeing these children for a long time and eventually they feel Abiko is a second home for them.
I really feel that we can finally reach the precious children we have been longing to help.
Thank you for your extended support in advance.